Are you in need of SSL certificate installation for your server? Let’s cover the SSL Certificate Installation Guide for Web Security. SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificates are essential for establishing the encryption validation that secures the data exchange between websites or services and their users. This encryption is a vital safeguard for websites handling sensitive information, such as credit card details, passwords, names, and addresses. It’s what enables your web browser to display the lock icon and the “HTTPS” protocol, signifying a secure connection. Furthermore, SSL certificates serve as a means to confirm the authenticity of the service you’re connecting with. For instance, it helps ensure you’re logging into your legitimate email provider and not an imitation created by malicious actors. If your website or service requires a secure connection, you might want to consider installing an SSL certificate to enhance your trustworthiness. Continue reading to discover more about this process.

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If you’re aiming to create a reputable and well-secured website, it’s essential to pay close attention to details like SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates. SSL certificates are crucial for website security and trustworthiness. In this article, we’ll guide you on “How To Install SSL Certificate On A Website” to ensure your web hosting website is secure and user-friendly.

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Follow the steps below to install an SSL certificate on a website.

Key Information to Be Aware Of

  • SSL certificates provide validation for the security of websites using the “HTTPS” protocol, confirming encryption and safety.
  • Obtaining an SSL certificate involves generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and forwarding it to a Certificate Authority (CA), which can be entities like DigiCert, Symantec, or GlobalSign.
  • The method for SSL certificate installation varies depending on your specific server type.

Do This Before Obtaining an SSL

I. Ensure the accuracy of your website details: Prior to requesting an SSL certificate from a Certificate Authority, it is essential to verify that your website possesses a distinct IP address. Additionally, ensure that your WHOIS record is current and precise. If you are seeking an SSL for a business website, there might be a requirement to furnish government registration documentation for your business. It is crucial to have all this information readily available and confirm its accuracy.

II. Determine Your Required Validation Level: SSL certificates come in three different validation levels, which are as follows:

  • Domain Validation (DV): This is the most cost-effective validation level, confirming control over the domain. It is suitable for small businesses or blogs without the exchange of sensitive information.
  • Organization Validation (OV): Positioned at a medium validation level, it verifies domain control and includes additional company details like name and address. This level is well-suited for companies with websites featuring forms and lead-capture functions.
  • Extended Validation (EV): Representing the highest and priciest validation tier, this level verifies domain control, location, and legal existence. It is the ideal choice for websites handling sensitive data, such as financial and credit card information.

III. Determine the Type of Certification Required: Various SSL certificates are available based on the number of domains and subdomains you need to secure. The following outlines the different types of SSL certificates that can be requested.

  • Single Domain: This certificate is designed to validate a single domain exclusively and cannot extend validation to other domains or subdomains.
  • Wildcard: Wildcard certificates offer validation for a single domain along with all its subdomains, yet they do not encompass additional domains.
  • Multi-Domain: A Multi-Domain SSL certificate allows validation for as many as 100 domains through a single SSL certificate.
Protect your visitors with SSL, from $3.44

Obtain a Dedicated IP Address

Acquiring a dedicated IP address for your website is imperative when installing an SSL certificate. Proper functionality of the SSL certificate necessitates a distinct IP address. You can verify your website’s IP address within your web hosting account or through the cPanel tool. In cases where a dedicated IP address is lacking, reaching out to your web hosting provider or considering an upgrade to your hosting plan may be necessary.

Generate a CSR (certificate signing request)

Produce a Certificate Signing Request (CSR), which is a document containing vital information about your website and your organization, including details like your domain name, company name, and location. It’s crucial to create a CSR and forward it to a Certificate Authority (CA) when seeking an SSL certificate. The process of generating a CSR can be accomplished through the cPanel tool or other methods, contingent on your server type.

Let’s look at the process using Cpanel:

  1. Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR): Before you can purchase and install an SSL certificate, you will need to generate a CSR on your server as stated above in this section. This file contains your server and public key information, which is required to generate the private key.
  2. Login to cPanel.
    • Access your cPanel account to begin the CSR generation process.
  3. Navigate to SSL/TLS.
    • In the “Security” section of cPanel, find and click on the SSL/TLS option.
  4. Generate a New Key.
    • Click on the “Generate, view, upload, or delete your private keys” link.
  5. Specify Key Details.
    • Scroll down to the “Generate a New Key” section.
    • Enter your domain name or select it from the provided drop-down menu.
    • Choose “2048” for the “Key Size.”
    • Click the “Generate” button to proceed.
  6. Return to SSL Manager.
    • After generating the key, return to the SSL Manager.
    • From the main menu, select the “Generate, view, or delete SSL certificate signing requests” link.
  7. Enter Organization Information.
    • Fill in your organization’s details, which typically include:
      • Two-digit country code
      • State or province
      • City or town name
      • Full company name
      • Section name (e.g., IT or Marketing)
      • Common name (usually the domain name)
  8. Generate CSR.
    • Click the “Generate” button.
    • Your CSR will be generated and displayed on the screen.
  9. Copy and Save CSR.
    • Copy the CSR, as you will need it when ordering your SSL certificate.
    • If the service requires the CSR as a file, paste the text into a text editor and save it with a “.CSR” file extension.

Purchase an SSL certificate from a CA

A CA (Certificate Authority) is an organization responsible for validating and distributing SSL certificates. Procure an SSL certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA),. Numerous CAs are available, each offering a variety of SSL certificate options, including providers like Let’s Encrypt, Comodo, DigiCert, Namecheap SSL, and Network Solutions. It’s essential to select a CA that aligns with your requirements and budget when obtaining your SSL certificate.

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When you place an order for your SSL certificate, you’ll be required to upload your CSR file to the certificate service. This CSR file is essential for the certificate’s generation and its subsequent installation on your server. The specific method may vary depending on the provider:

  • Copying CSR Contents: Some providers will ask you to copy and paste the contents of the CSR file into the required fields during the order process.
  • Uploading the CSR File: Other providers may request that you upload the entire CSR file directly to their platform as part of the certificate request.

To complete the SSL certificate installation, follow these steps:

  1. Download Intermediate Certificates: Obtain the Intermediate Certificates from the service where you purchased your SSL certificates. These certificates help establish the chain of trust. You can typically find them on the certificate provider’s website or platform.
  2. Receive Primary Certificate: Your Primary Certificate, which is specific to your domain, will be delivered to you either via email or accessible through your account on the certificate provider’s website. This certificate is the core element for securing your website.

Install the SSL Certificate

Protect your visitors with SSL, from $3.44
Multi-domain SSL, from $17.88

With the significant steps in this process completed, we will now proceed to follow the guide for SSL installation using our control panel.

I. Access cPanel

  • Open your web browser and go to “https://yourdomain/cpanel”
  • Enter your Cpanel username and password, then click “Log In.”

Take note that the look and structure of Cpanel may look a bit different, depending on the hosting provider.

II. Navigate to SSL/TLS

  • Scroll down to the “Security” section and click on “SSL/TLS.” This will take you to the SSL/TLS Manager.

III. Manage SSL Sites

  • Within the SSL/TLS Manager, click on “Manage SSL Sites,” which is located under “Install and Manage SSL for your site (HTTPS).”

IV. Choose Your Domain

  • Use the drop-down menu at the top of the page to select your domain.

V. Paste the Certificate

  • Locate your certificate in a zip file, unzip it, and open it with a text editor.
  • Copy the text starting with “—–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—–” and ending with “—–END CERTIFICATE—–.”
  • Paste this copied text into the box labeled “Certificate (CRT).”

VI. Paste the Private Key

  • If you generate your CSR within cPanel, the private key should be generated automatically.
  • However, if you generated the CSR outside of cPanel, copy and paste your private key into the box labeled “Private Key (KEY).”

VII. Paste the CA Bundle

  • The CA Bundle includes intermediate certificates required for web browsers to recognize the issuer of the certificate.
  • cPanel may automatically generate these from a public repository. If not, you can download the appropriate CA Bundles.
  • Copy and paste the CA Bundle(s) into the box labeled “Certificate Authority Bundle (CABundle).” If you have multiple CA Bundles, paste them one after another.

VIII. Install Certificate

  • At the bottom of the page, click on the blue “Install Certificate” button.
  • If you have correctly placed the certificates in their respective boxes, this action will install your SSL certificate.

IX. Test Your Certificate

  • Ensure your SSL certificate is working correctly by testing it with various web browsers.
  • Connect to your website using “https://” to enforce the SSL connection.
  • Look for the padlock icon in your address bar, typically displayed with a green background.

By following these steps, you establish a secure connection between your website and its visitors. This enhances trust, data security, and the overall reliability of your online presence, making it a critical step for any website that handles sensitive information or values user trust.

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